My 2nd biggest thyroid healing mistakes (and how to avoid)

I have a little story for you today, reflecting on the last 13+ years of healing my thyroid…

There is no doubt that I have done many things right.

After all, I managed to fully reverse my Hashimoto’s and stay in remission despite a stressful job and life doing its thing throwing various challenges my way.

I managed to stop medication and optimise my hormones after 12 years on levothyroxine.

I am feeling like myself again and my body feels like home.

But it wasn’t always like that.

For the first 5-7 years I struggled quite a lot.

I was getting better, then reverting right back to the baseline.

Now, looking back, there are things I would have done differently.

I don’t regret anything as I learnt lessons that I can now share with you, saving you the time, energy and frustration of having to figure it all out on your own.

My no. 1 mistake I talk about all the time has all to do with nervous system regulation, recognising the link between thyroid and trauma.

I share this a lot as I believe this truly was the key missing piece of the puzzle for me for a very long time.

​Now what I recognise as the second ‘mistake’ was diving into the deep end of the healing without working on foundations.

​When I was first diagnosed with hypo and then Hashimoto’s I did so much research I thought my head would explode.

And I put ALL OF THAT and more INTO ACTION.

I eliminated everything that was ‘deemed bad’ for thyroid and Hashimoto’s.

I spent years between different elimination diets, desperately trying to heal my root cause, taking lots of random supplements, turning every meal into a superfood with raw kale I couldn’t digest, scrutinising labels and being a massive pain to waiters and friends.

And the thing I skipped during the desperate search for a ‘cure’ was the BASICS.

  • Strategically planning my weekly meals to create a sense of spaciousness and joy, and reduce the ‘what do I eat’ anxiety
  • Understanding of macros and the effect they have on my blood sugar, energy and inflammation (and in turn – my thyroid and my day-to-day symptoms like fatigue, brain fog and bloating)
  • Realising the key to success is not what we take out but what we put into our diets- focusing on the right nutrients to support my thyroid hormone conversion and prevent other imbalances
  • Gently supporting my digestion, motility and microbiome
  • Upgrading my sleep and rest routines
  • Learning how to eat out in a sustainable and ENJOYABLE way
  • Daily habits, including a regulating morning and evening routine

Only during my nutrition studies did I realise the boring everyday things, the little TWEAKS, create that foundation of healing. And only once we have them in place, can we start thinking about figuring out and healing the root cause.

You can’t build a castle on sand and you will not heal your thyroid if your foundations are wobbly.

Consistency in daily low-hanging fruit actions will not only provide symptom relief but also build a foundation for deeper work.

This is why I created Thyroid Fundamentals, and why I believe it’s THE MOST IMPACTFUL and important course I have created to date.

It’s not a nice-to-have option. It is the foundation of your thyroid healing work that will provide the most profound and quickest improvement in your most annoying symptoms. Delivered in the most accessible and beautifully structured way. Proven framework backed up by results of over 50 past students! (check out some of the testimonials here).

Click here to find out more and join! Or find out more by following me on Instagram



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