Aggie McCabe


Let me guess… You’ve been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and sent on your merry way with a prescription for a little pill to take until the end of your days. As your thyroid nutritionist & mind-body coach, let me tell you, you are not alone.

Your symptoms are still the same regardless of the medication. You feel tired, bloated, have put on weight, and generally feel like a shell of your former self? You’ve been told nothing can be done, your thyroid is not functioning as it should be, so you need to take the drug and get on with your life. What if I told you this was simply not true and you can heal your thyroid through diet.

One in twenty people in the UK have a thyroid problem and there are many more who have symptoms but have not been diagnosed. You’d think a problem on this scale would be treated more seriously by the primary care but sadly that is not the case. Medication taken for life when symptoms are still roaring is definitely not the answer you are looking for.  You may have arrived on this page searching for a “hypothyroidism diet”, but it is more complex than that.

There is a clear link between thyroid and diet, gut health, lifestyle, environment and mindset…

Hashimoto’s Disease (Thyroiditis)

The symptoms are many… Fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, pale, dry skin, a puffy face, brittle nails, hair loss, enlargement of the tongue, unexplained weight gain, muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, joint pain and stiffness, muscle weakness, excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding, depression, memory lapses, “brain fog”…

Most cases of underactive thyroid (insufficient production of thyroxine) are caused by an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Disease (Thyroiditis). It makes our immune system attack our own thyroid tissue, and over the years destroys it, causing a lowered production of thyroid hormones. The common answer to that is to replace the missing hormones with a synthetic equivalent. Clearly, that is not enough.

The symptoms, the root causes, the heightened chance of developing another autoimmune condition (diabetes, MS, etc), the frustration and sense of hopelessness are all still here.

The Solution

Functional medicine and personalised nutrition approach offer a different take on autoimmunity. Instead of focusing on the attempts to mask the symptoms it searches for and addresses the underlying mechanisms that caused it in the first place. It is, therefore, possible not only to minimise the symptoms but it some cases reverse the condition entirely. This holistic approach doesn’t just focus on the thyroid as an isolated organ that needs fixing but our body as a whole, with various pathways that could have let to this imbalance.


Some of the main possible causes of Hashimoto’s include gut imbalances including increased gut permeability, dysbiosis, microbiome imbalances, stress (both psychological and physical), underlying systemic inflammation caused by allergies and food sensitivities, toxins exposure and impaired detoxification pathways.


How could we possibly begin to feel better without addressing the above?

The Proof

I am personally the best example of the above. Diagnosed at 27 with raised thyroid antibodies, and TSH. I am and have been symptom-free since 2015 and my Hashimoto’s disease is in full remission. This is one of the reasons I decided to study nutrition and become a thyroid specialist and your thyroid nutritionist, helping women like you achieve similar results. The fact is that you can…


Feel better

Have more energy

Say goodbye to bloating and gas and finally have a flat tummy

Get rid of the “brain fog”, improve focus and ability to think clearly

Lift your mood and reduce anxiety

Lower your thyroid antibodies

Reduce your medication, or stop taking it entirely

Improve your blood markers (i.e. cholesterol, sugar)

Find your ideal weight and maintain it






Take my 5-minute root cause quiz to help you identify the LEADING root cause of your symptoms.