How to make Levothyroxine Work Harder for you

Levothyroxine is often the go-to medication for managing hypothyroidism, but did you know there’s more you can do to maximise its effectiveness? Yes, you can make Levothyroxine work harder for you!

It is a synthetic version of thyroxine (T4), the main hormone your thyroid produces. While it provides the T4 your body needs, the real magic happens when your body converts T4 into the active hormone T3. Unfortunately, a lot of the symptoms we experience in hypothyroidism are due to our inability to covert T4 to T3.

And whilst yes, we could supplement the T3 (in a synthetic or natural desiccated form), I argue that we should first focus on optimising our body’s ability to convert as this gives you a chance to RESTORE THE OPTIMAL THYROID FUNCTION vs masking the problem with another medication.

Note: some people have a genetically impaired ability to effectively convert t4 to t3 (DIO2 SNP), in which case the t3 addition would be recommended. I use a genetic testing company called LifecodeGx for testing for my 121 and Bloom clients.

Here’s how you can make levothyroxine work harder for you:

  • Replenish nutrients – several nutrients are cofactors for a successful conversion of t4>t3. Think selenium, zinc, magnesium as the key players
  • Open detox pathways (liver and kidneys) as most of the conversions happen there as well as…
  • Look after your microbiome – compromised microbiome and high inflammation levels can impact your ability to convert
  • Use (and grow) your muscles – yet another reason to move your body, increase muscle mass
  • Avoid calorie restriction
  • Improve your stress resilience – high cortisol will compromise your conversions. As as much as lowering your stress levels is important, developing a greater STRESS RESILIENCE is a game changer
  • Experiment with cold therapy – cold therapy (and I don’t mean ice baths!!) can help you develop more brown fat which is where we see the one the highest activities of DIO2 of of the two enzymes responsible for thyroid hormone conversion. Brown fat also helps us with temperature and weight regulation, so I would highly recommend exploring this subject if you are always cold and have some weight to lose.

Optimising levothyroxine’s effectiveness is not just about taking your medication; it’s about supporting your body holistically. By replenishing essential nutrients, supporting your liver and gut, building muscle, and managing stress, you can enhance your T4-to-T3 conversion and feel more in tune with your thyroid health. Don’t forget, it’s a journey that requires patience and consistency.

If you’re ready to take control of your thyroid health, start implementing these tips today—and check out my free Thyroid Testing Confidence masterclass for deeper insights into your thyroid function and health!



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