Fundamentals Are Essential To Heal Your Thyroid

Fundamentals Are Essential To Heal Your Thyroid. You can’t build a castle on sand and you will not heal your thyroid with wobbly foundations. For a good few years after my diagnosis, I was trying different things, panicking, not knowing if I was doing the right thing, going back to the baseline, feeling paralyzed, alone, and unsupported. I started doing all sorts of elimination protocols but the fundamentals, the foundation of nutrition were not in place. My habits were all over the place. Non existent routines. If only I knew what I know now.

I need to talk to you about one thing today. 

You might have heard me talk about finding your thyroid condition’s root cause, healing the gut, elimination diets, trauma healing…

And while that all absolutely has its place (I am a huge fan of figuring out and addressing the root cause, as you know if you’ve been following me for a while). But none of this will have an effect if your BASICS are not in place.

Eliminations won’t work if the way you eat every day is causing glucose and inflammation spikes and nutrient deficiencies.

Repairing your gut won’t do a thing if your daily meals don’t replenish your microbiome and support your motility. 

Trauma healing won’t bring relief if your daily routines don’t support you.

Consistency in daily low-hanging-fruit actions will not only provide symptom relief, but also build a foundation for a deeper work.

Want instant energy boost and less brain fog? This is where you start.

And this is why my Thyroid Fundamentals course is by far the most important resource I have ever shared.

I really want you to know this. It’s not a nice-to-have option. This is the foundation of your thyroid healing work. Delivered in the most accessible and beautifully structured way.

If you are to start anywhere to begin the process of healing your thyroid, make it this.

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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