Food alone is not enough to optimise your Thyroid Health

I am sure you’ve been told again and again that what you eat is the key to reversing your thyroid symptoms. But it’s only one part of the equation! 🤓 Food alone is not enough to optimise your Thyroid Health.

What we we do and how we think is as important as what we eat.

To be blunt- I’d bet a lot on the fact that you will not see major improvements in your symptoms if you focus on diet only.

Here’s the list of your other priorities to help optimise your thyroid health:

  • Optimise your sleep. If there is one thing that will make the biggest impact on how you feel, it’s the quality of your zzz’s. Make it your p/t job to improve sleep quality and consistency. A lot can be done – more on that later this week!
  • Self care. Develop a daily practice of looking after yourself. Schedule 5 minute a day (to start with) just for you. Read a favourite book, do a face mask, go for a walk on your own, make a cocoa, take a bath, do a breathing exercise or a pilates session. Your adrenals will love it, and so with your thyroid!
  • Movement – Exercise the right amount! And that will be different for everyone, so listen to your body. Overexercise is as detrimental to your thyroid function as not moving at all. Consistency is key. 
  • Emotions- our body keeps a score and thyroid imbalances have been linked to past physical & emotional traumas and emotional distress. If that’s true for you, look into ways of healing your past, look into EFT/ counselling. You are not on your own.
  • Detox your environment – where do you live (look out for mold!! but also clutter), what products you use (certain chemicals suppress thyroid function) who you surround yourself with (toxic people can be worse than mold 🤭)
  • Be mindful of your stress levels. Obviously stress is unavoidable but how we respond to it is up to us. work on developing psychological resilience and flexibility. Try de-stressing tools like meditation, breathwork, etc.

And finally… how you speak to yourself matters – be kind! this a life-long journey so give yourself a hug for embarking on it.

Fancy learning a little more about how to optimise your Thyroid Health?

Check this out!

Aggie McCabe, Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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