Are Your Thyroid Lab Results “Normal”, Or Optimal?

“Your thyroid lab results came back normal”. Isn’t this the most annoying thing to hear when your symptoms are through the roof? Well, ‘normal’ or ‘within range’ doesn’t mean OPTIMAL. And that means there is room for healing and a possibility of reversing your symptoms.

The accepted reference ranges in most countries are still far more ‘generous’ than what functional medicine deems as optimal for your body to function at its best.

So what should we aim for?


‘Normal’ 0.4- 4.0 mU/l
Optimal 0.5-2 mU/l


‘Normal’ 9-25 pmol/L
Optimal 15-23 pmol/L


‘Normal’ 3.5-7.8 pmol/L
Optimal 5-7 pmol/L

Antibodies- Anti-TPO, Anti -Tg

‘Normal’ <35
Optimal <2

Go dig out your most recent thyroid lab results and check where you’re at!

Has your doctor told you your symptoms are not due to your thyroid, as your labs are ‘fine? Here’s what to do if your results fall outside of optimal ranges:

  • Challenge them! Book another appointment, and ask for a re-evaluation and possible adjustment of meds. OR in case of subclinical hypothyroidism, ask to be started on meds. Talk to them again! Mention this email.
  • Change your doctor. There are plenty of Endocrinologists and GPs out there adopting a functional medicine approach. Hit reply if you need some recommendations.
  • Start working on your diet and lifestyle. Not only can you affect thyroid hormone production and conversion but you can also address the root causes that led to your thyroid issue in the first place. Look into an elimination diet, optimising your adrenal and liver function. Start with even the smallest changes today!
  • Work with a Nutritional Therapist or a Dietician if your labs/symptoms are not improving. There is A LOT that can be happening behind the scenes that can be contributing to how you’re feeling. It can be an overwhelming and confusing with all the info out there – ask for help when you need it! With a ‘thyroid aware’ nutrition professional you can dig deeper into the root causes and work on gradually restoring the balance.

Let me know if you found this helpful or if you need any advice. Just hit me up and I’ll get right back to you!

Aggie McCabe, Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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