3 daily practices to look after your mental health

Today is World Mental Health Day. Just a quick reminder from me to you, on this very important day, to look after your mental health not only today but every day.

Did you know that there is a strong link between thyroid conditions and mental health?

Depression, mood changes, and anxiety very often co-exist with thyroid imbalances, yet it’s a subject that’s not often talked about. Hormonal imbalances, as well as thyroid inflammation, make us more likely to struggle with emotions for no apparent reasons. What’s more, prolonged stress, leading to an increase in cortisol can suppress thyroid function.

It’s important to recognise this correlation especially if you are having an ‘off’ day and feel like no one understands.

If you’re feeling like a ball of mixed emotions, on the verge of tears, or just a little down for no reason – it’s ok. You are not on your own.

Here are 3 daily practices I recommend to upgrade your self-care routine:

  1. Be kind to yourself. How you speak to yourself matters. Self-compassion is an absolute necessity and an everyday practice. You CAN have a shit day. You don’t have to always overachieve. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. It’s ok.
  2. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Shift the focus to the positives (even the teeny tiny ones we usually take for granted), and watch the world around you change. i.e. today, I am grateful for my cats sharing love and purrs and a delicious coq au vin I’m going to make later!
  3. Dedicate time to pure self-pampering and immersion in the moment. Take a warm bath, make delicious hot chocolate, treat yourself to a mini home facial or relaxing session of yin yoga.

Lots of love from my corner of the world to yours. Do reach out if you’re having a tough day and want to speak to someone who gets you.

Aggie McCabe, Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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