How To Help Boost Your Mood With Food

How has your mood been recently? Have you thought about what you’ve been eating and how it could be affecting your mood? Here’s how to help you boost your mood with food…

2020/2021 has been the weirdest of times… Everything feels shifted, strange and disconnected. The most resilient of us have noticed their sense of ‘happiness’ slipping away… Even my husband, the fuzziest ball of positivity, has been feeling it!

I also have caught myself being slightly off more often than I would like to admit. It’s just been so long since we had a chance to live a “normal” life and during the lockdowns, all I wanted was to go to a goddamn cinema. Nothing fancy, just a movie, in a theatre, with people, please!

Sooo… since nutrition for mental health is one of my jams, I thought while things are certainly looking better than they did a year ago, you all might find it useful if I share a few tips and tricks I have learned over the years and have been applying like crazy over the past 18 months.

The impact of what we eat and how we eat on our brains just cannot be underestimated. We all have the ability to improve central nervous system function, balance the neurotransmitters, and even stimulate neurons production! ⚡⚡ It’s freaking amazing, and we should all (including myself) start looking after our brains today as a number one priority. For the sake of our post-pandemic mood, but mainly lifelong mental fitness.

Over the next couple of weeks I will go over food and lifestyle hacks that can give your mood a bit a boost. I will also go into what could be potentially driving imbalances in your brain and how to correct them – cos you know, knowledge is sexy.

Kicking things off with some magic foods to include in your weekly meals!

  1. Oily Fish for Omega 3s and Zinc
  2. Dark Chocolate for Magnesium and Antioxidants
  3. Bananas are an excellent source of Tryptophan and Magnesium
  4. Avocados (my favourite) for Vitamin Bs and Magnesium
  5. Fermented Food (also, my favourite!) contain loads of probiotics and Vitamin Bs
  6. Green Leafy Veggies for more Magnesium and Antioxidants
  7. Berries for Antioxidants, Polyphenols and Vitamin C
  8. Mediterranean Diet – more info below!

Aim for 2-3 portions a week for max benefit. You will see the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ mentioned there – the official, backed up by research, mood-lifting, way of eating! I have gone into more detail on that in another post.

Hoping these tips help you boost your mood with food! For more mood-boosting tips, check out a few examples of mood-boost supplements you can also try! Have a good summer, my lovelies. Sending happy vibes your way. ?

Aggie McCabe
Nutritional Therapist and Thyroid Coach



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