What Is Causing My Underactive Thyroid?

Today my musings on all things thyroid, food, and self-care raise the question… “what is causing my underactive thyroid”?

If you’re unsure of the answer to the question “what is causing my underactive thyroid”, you are not alone. Sadly, most people diagnosed in the UK will not undergo any investigations to uncover the root cause of this imbalance. After some very basic blood tests, your super-busy GP hands you a lifetime prescription for a pill, and that’s it. You have hypothyroidism.

The truth is though, the underlying imbalances are the key to improving your symptoms. As you might have realised, taking levothyroxine does not do much for your energy dips, weight gain, dry skin and tummy issues. It addresses the deficiency in thyroid hormone production, but it does nothing to fix what has led to your thyroid malfunctioning. That process is still happening behind the scenes, affecting your everyday wellbeing.

The good news is – you can do something about it!


Step 1: Understand The Facts

It is estimated that approximately 90% of underactive thyroid cases are due to an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Yes, you read that right. Nine in ten. What does that mean for you? It simply shifts the focus from your thyroid to your immune system. It’s your own overactive immune system attacking the thyroid tissue that has caused it to malfunction.

Sometimes hypothyroidism can be caused by other factors, hence why it is incredibly important to get tested and get to the bottom of the imbalance. These factors include iodine deficiency, certain medicines, thyroid inflammation, problems with the pituitary gland and others.

Step 2: Get Tested

How would you know that Hashimoto’s is the culprit? Super simple. A thyroid blood antibody test (TPO, Tg) will reveal what is happening behind the scenes. You can either ask your GP to organise the test for you, have it done through your nutritionist, or through a private lab. If you have eliminated Hashimoto’s as the cause, then it’s worth investing in further investigations, with the help of your practitioner.

Step 3: Change the Way You Eat and Look After Yourself

Is it Hashimoto’s? Well, that’s GOOD NEWS!

I’m sure the initial lifelong underactive thyroid diagnosis was tough. And let me tell you from experience, learning that you have an autoimmune condition is not easy either.

However, what you must realise is that you actually just landed back in the driver’s seat. You are in control again. There are next steps to follow and the future looks brighter. Multiple case studies and research confirms that Hashimoto’s symptoms can be successfully addressed through dietary and lifestyle interventions. Yes, there is a lot that can be done so you can finally start feeling like the old you.

It’s not going to be easy, but it CAN BE DONE. I am the best example of that.

I believe that for many people, including myself, the Hashimoto’s diagnosis was a wake-up call of sorts.

To start prioritising your health.

Start putting yourself first.

And in the long run, we will be better off for it.

I hope this is helpful! Do you know what’s behind your underactive thyroid? Hit me up if you want any advice

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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