An Introduction To Aggie McCabe Nutrition, Lockdown Edition

Hey, I’m Aggie! Welcome to Aggie McCabe Nutrition. Here’s a quick introduction, written in the midst of the third national UK lockdown!

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Wellness Coach, an aspiring chef and food photographer, and a mum to two mischievous kitties. But mainly, I am a massive foodie!

I believe our relationship with food hugely impacts our happiness, self-worth, and wellbeing. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, we have all been pre-conditioned to blindly follow the diet culture and strive for unattainable fitness and beauty ideals. We count calories cos that’s what you “should” do. We restrict, binge, and restrict again. Somewhere along the way, we have lost the careless, fun approach to what we eat.

This is particularly true if we happen to struggle with a long-term illness. We are told by the internet to try just about every healing diet out there. Paleo, AI, Keto, IF, GAPS, Low FODMAPS, Gluten and Diary-Free anyone? Me too. It’s bloody exhausting. The label checking. Menu scrutinizing. Detailed meal planning. The omnipresent fear of food. Never-ending hunt for hidden gluten and sugar. Yup, I’ve been there. The healing protocols, by all means, have their place and use, but far too often they lead to obsessive behaviours and a place of fearing food rather than appreciating it.

I am here to help you fix that.

By choosing food that loves us back and nourishes not only every cell in our bodies but also our soul (hello chocolate), we are capable of restoring balance and vitality to our everyday life. We can even improve, and sometimes reverse, chronic conditions. By choosing to work on our mindset and daily habits, we are capable of creating a long-term change.

My unique, evidence-based method combines nutritional interventions with selected key principles of intuitive eating. It relies on the main principle of coaching – enabling YOU to create and sustain a long-term change. All the while being there for you every step of the way.

Let me show you how you can celebrate food instead of fearing it. How you can have endless energy, a healthier gut, and better immunity. How, through this process, you can find buckets of self-love and happiness. If that’s not pretty darn sexy, then I don’t know what is!

Last, but certainly not least… SOME EXCITING NEWS!

Bookings for my 1:1 nutrition coaching programmes open soon! Register your interest for an exclusive, one-time-only discount. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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