The Happy Place

Up until I was about 29-ish I could probably cook about three proper meals. Very basic meals. Famously lacking in the area I was expected to perform in at that time of my life. Weird time, not the strongest or most empowered time. The opposite of a happy place.

The moment I shed all those expectations, turned my life upside down, and started to become the person I am today, I discovered a huge joy that cooking brings. The creative freedom and escapism it provides. On your own, with your loved ones, for yourself, and for others. Following recipes or just going with the flow.

Because strangely, in the kitchen, the real magic can happen. The creative flow reserved only for the gifted geniuses, the club you thought you never belonged to.

But there it is, in the middle of making an average dinner, suddenly there’s a goddamn masterpiece right there in front of you.

The magical happy place you just created.

Now go and eat it. It tastes bloody delicious.

stuffed butternut squash eating is sexy
Gorgeous Stuffed Butternut Squash with Quinoa & Kale from Aggie McCabe Nutrition. Why don’t you check out the recipe here? I guarantee it will blow your mind!

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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