Festive Wellness Tips For A Sexy Xmas!

Here are your top wellness tips to help you through this festive season…

  • Enjoy Your Food

Counting calories and/or following strict dietary programmes have no place over the Xmas period. No fitness pal, tracking or scale. This is the time of enjoyment and food celebration. Second helpings and extra cake are exactly what is best for your overall wellbeing. Give yourself permission to eat the food and enjoy it without a trace of guilt.

  • Be Present

Turn the TV off and enjoy your food mindfully. Notice and appreciate all the different tastes and textures of your meal as well as the company you’re in.

  • Hydrate

Make sure you drink at least 2l of water per day and no, alcohol doesn’t count! Drink an extra glass of water for every alcoholic drink – your head will thank you the next day!

  • Defend

When we stay up late and eat/drink a little too much, it’s important to support our immune system against the obvious enemy no. 1, as well as all sorts of other nasties out there. Make sure you add lots of veggies to your plate, fruit and omega 3 fats (salmon!!). Go outside to get your vitamin D fix! Take some extra vitamin C!

  • Detox

As we are bound to overindulge, we need to help our bodies get rid of the toxins at a speedy rate. Green leafy veggies, ginger/lemon water, a sneaky smoothie with spinach and avo, and my favourite NAC or glutathione in the morning will give you an extra boost!

  • Digest

Firstly, slow down and chew properly! For extra support take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water before a big meal. If you feel too full, peppermint capsules are a great, natural remedy to have in your cupboard for occasions like this.

  • Think About The Good Stuff

After a year like we’ve just had, it’s easy to focus on the negatives. We are all done with 2020. However, regardless of the circumstances, starting a gratitude practice (if you don’t have one already) can be one of the best gifts you can treat yourself to. Spend 5 minutes daily thinking about all the good things that have happened (there must be something!). Your health, job, family, friends and what you’re looking forward to in 2021. It’s amazing how in just a few minutes you can shift your mindset towards more positive thinking patterns.

And lastly – these are just suggestions, not rules. Let me know if you find them helpful.

Have a very tasty and very sexy Xmas! 2021, here we come

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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