Get Rid Of Symptoms & Feel Like Yourself Again

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but you CAN get rid of symptoms like bloating, fatigue, brain fog and start feeling like your old self again.

​​And you can do this without crazy long elimination protocols and diets, expensive supplements or turning your life upside down.

Lets’ start with the basics here, my loves.

How to we support your body to convert & absorb the thyroid hormone efficiently? 

How do we ensure that you are getting and absorbing the right nutrients to support this process?

How are your daily habits affecting this process?

How is your gut health affecting all of the above?

I am just about to show you how to do that in my 2 day short course called OPTIMISE.

Come join me for two days filled with the most effective nutrition and lifestyle hacks you can start implementing immediately to:

  1. Improve your hormone conversion to get the best out of your medication
  2. Address the most common co-existing nutrient deficiencies (that might be behind your symptoms)
  3. Correct functional imbalances at the root of your symptoms like blood sugar dysregulation and low stomach acid

We are meeting on two subsequent Wednesdays at 6.30pm starting Wednesday 25th January 2023. There will be a chat community group for two weeks and a live Q&A.

This is a foundation course that will change everything about how you view your condition and thyroid healing. It gets to be easy. It gets to be enjoyable.

You don’t have to suffer through another months-long protocol that leaves you feeling deprived and more confused than before.

I can’t put a value on this, but trust this is the most value for money you are going to get this year.

I have a seat saved for you my love, come join us!

Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



Take my 5-minute root cause quiz to help you identify the LEADING root cause of your symptoms.