My lovely client Jade recently got her results back after 4 months of working together. Her antibodies are back in range (down by 200 UI/ml), AND she is symptoms free! Today, I wanted to share with you how she did that and what you can learn from her experience of putting her Hashimoto’s in remission.
When Jade first came to me, she had been struggling with her thyroid and Hashimoto’s for a while. She was working with a nutritionist who had her on a very strict AIP diet, and although some of her symptoms improved, she was still feeling exhausted, anxious, bloated and super nervous around food.
Her Tg antibodies were over 250 IU/ml.
Today, Jade is symptoms free and her antibodies are back in range.
How did she put her Hashimoto’s in remission? (Hint: less is more!)
She chilled the f*&! out
Nervous system regulation, baby. It’s the absolute prerequisite to healing. Regulating our stress response, releasing stress stuck in the body must become a daily practice. Jade has created some wonderful morning/evening self care routines, incorporated breath work and vagus nerve simulation exercises and took part in my thyroid emotion release sessions. She saw amazing improvements despite going through a challenging period personally.
She understood that sometimes doing less brings better results
Strict AIP elimination protocol has its place, but it shouldn’t be this cookie cutter long term approach without a solid re-introduction plan. It only leads to fearing entire highly nutritious food groups, overwhelm, guilt and a disordered relationship with food. With Jade, we spend a lot of time ‘unlearning’ all the info she was fed before, finding safety around food, focusing on pleasure and the joy of eating again.
She worked hard on understanding her “why”
We must be crystal clear on WHY we want to get better before we start any healing process. We did some extensive work together to help Jade realise her core values and use them as an internal compass to fuel her motivation. Together, we looked at other areas of her life like relationships and work to bring emotional balance, set strong boundaries and align with what’s really important.
She kept an open mind
There are a lot of phases during the healing process that might surprise, or you might be thinking ‘what the hell does my childhood trauma have to do with anything?’ But the key here is to be open. Trust is where the real transformation begins. Jade was receptive and open to my suggestions- cold showers? Sure. Tapping? Less try it! Cut out iodine- no probs. Re-introduce a non-AIP food group- yes let’s try it!
She was fully dedicated to the process
You must make healing your priority and give it your all. It’s not something you can do on a weekend or when things calm down at work. It’s a daily commitment and it’s our job to make it enjoyable (I’m here to help!). Progress over perfection. Just doing the thing and being kind to yourself if, and when, you fail. It’s all a part of this process. She wholeheartedly believed it was possible for her to get better. And she did just that.

I hope this gave you a little inspiration, my lovelies. It really is possible for you to also put your Hashimoto’s in remission too. Aaaand if you’d like some help in your own healing journey, let’s chat.
I am now fully booked for one-to-ones in 2022 and taking deposits for a January start (keeping this year’s price!) So, drop me a line if you’re thinking about it.
Also my self study course Thyroid Reboot ON DEMAND is available to book now.
As usual, here if you have any questions. 😊
Aggie McCabe, Your Thyroid Nutritionist