21 Thyroid-Friendly Snack Ideas From Aggie McCabe Nutrition

After many requests from my clients, I have put together 21 thyroid-friendly snack ideas to help you maintain energy levels throughout the day and banish the 4pm fatigue! All gluten-free and dairy-free!

4pm munchies anyone?

If you immediately responded with a resounding YES, you are not on your own. Most people will start thinking about food again within a couple of hours from lunch. Perfectly normal!  Now it’s time for a little investigatory work…

The way to do it is to pause for a moment and tune in to your hunger/satiety signals. Step away from whatever you’re doing, find a quiet spot and take a few slow breaths. The question to ask yourself when it happens is: Am I in fact hungry?

If the answer is yes…

It’s time to listen to your body and eat! The list of snacks I have put together for you will without a doubt come in handy! They are all gluten-free, dairy-free, unprocessed, low sugar and portable. Additionally, they are filled with macro and micronutrients that will promote your thyroid health and hormone conversion. Most of them are also packed with protein which helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels, maintain stable energy levels, and keep you full until dinner!

Examples include Eggvocado, Chocolate Chia pudding, Zucchini Muffins, Matcha Energy Balls, and many more!

On the other hand…

If on the other hand, the answer to the ‘am I hungry’ question is “um, I could eat but no, not really”, then what else comes up for you at that very moment? Are you bored? Sad about something? Stressed out?

Perhaps going for a walk, doing a quick breathing exercise, having a friendly chat would be what your body is asking for! Quite often we use food as a distraction strategy when something else is really at play. It is worth pausing for a moment to explore what that might be. What am I feeling at that moment? What do I need?

Lastly, if the answer is: “nope, not hungry, but still want the goddamn chocolate zucchini muffin”, that’s a-ok also! Enjoy!

Sign up below to download the free thyroid-friendly snack ideas mini recipe book now and let me know which one is your favourite!


Aggie McCabe
Your Thyroid Nutritionist



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